Top Features In Windows 10

Windows 10 is out in the market and is arguably the best OS Microsoft has released so far. Most of the users expect this new Operating System to be a lot better than the Windows 8.1 release. With all new and exciting features, this OS really has something to offer to everyone. Let’s take a look at the top reasons for which you should shift to Windows 10 from previous versions.

Firstly, Start Menu now returns to lower left corner of UI and now this menu does not exclusively focus on the desktop apps. Start Menu offers lots of information, with new metro-style dash added for incorporating tiles in Windows 8 style in this menu. If live tiles are not desirable then you can simply turn them off.

A new look is given to the apps from Windows Store. Rather than dumping immediately into full-screen app, they’ll have a window and provide mouse-friendly toolbar as well. The interface of the apps will also be altered for fitting best to user’s display size.

Hello is yet another interesting feature of this version of Windows. Hello allows users to log into the system without the need of typing in their passwords. Rather, users just have to sit right before their computer system and the computer will log them in after recognizing them. Similar feature had been there in Android for quite some time, but it is suggested by Microsoft that their tech is comparatively advanced, with the use of infrared and special requirements for camera. As of now, most computers may not be able to use Hello, but it will surely appear on increasing number of computers with the passage of time.

These are only few of the features but there is a lot more to explore about Windows 10. It’s really the most exciting release and is there to be explored.